Prescription Safety Glasses
Non-compliance with occupational health and safety guidelines along with substandard eye protection is one of the major causes of workplace eye injuries. As an employer you have the responsibility to ensure the welfare of your employees’ eyesight.
At Mentone Optical Service we can provide either Certified or Compliant prescription and non-prescription safety eyewear to suit medium impact requirements.
1. What is the difference between a Certified and Compliant safety appliance?A Certified safety appliance has been tested by a 3rd party to the relevant eyewear standards and is given a “pass or fail” result. A Compliant appliance has been tested by the manufacturer to the relevant eyewear standards.
2. What engravings appear on a safety appliance?In accordance with 1337.6.2012, the lenses should be engraved with markings that indicate who the manufacturer is, the impact rating of the appliance, if it is a prescription device and if it is for indoor or outdoor use. For certified products, the frame should be engraved with the license number of the manufacturer, the standard the appliance meets and the Certifying body’s name and logo.
3. What frames are available for your safety glasses?We have a large range of Certified frames available in both metal and plastic/nylon materials suited to medium impact requirements and all featuring side shield protection.
4. Can I use my own safety frame for fitting?We only use Certified frames for Certified jobs. We cannot fit your own frames and Certify them to the standards as this would put us in breach of the standards.

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